Have a question that you don't see addressed here? Email info@rideforrefuge.org and we'll help you out (and maybe even add your question to the list).

Tax Receipts

How do I add cash/cheques so they show up in my fundraising thermometer?

  • Sign into your FundHub
  • Click on Enter $$ and Cheques
  • Fill in the form below, including (where possible) the email of the donor, as well as the amount of pledge, cash or cheque
  • Click Add Donation

The website refreshes every 15 minutes, so check back shortly to see your thermometer rise.

What's my role as team captain?

As Team Captain, you play the key role of leader, recruiter, fundraiser, planner, and cheerleader. Here's the basics:

  • Register online, create, and name your team
  • Select the charity you want your team to raise money for
  • Recruit other team members with a goal of getting 8-10 participants - there is no limit to team size!
  • Raise money personally and strongly encourage your team to raise money
  • Cheer on and communicate with your team members

I'd like to pay my cash donations by personal cheque or credit card. Can I do this?

Definitely! Once you've recorded your cash donations online, you can pay them through our website with your personal credit card to avoid lugging an envelope filled with cash around.

  • Click Enter $$ or Cheques and scroll down to your list of pledges
  • Click the pay button next to the pledge you’d like to pay by credit card. This will take you to a payment gateway to complete the transaction.
  • Once the transaction is complete, you can keep the cash.

If you'd like to pay with a personal cheque, be sure to enter your cash pledges online and then total your cash donations. Write out your cheque to "Ride for Refuge". Mail this cheque in, along with any other cheque donations you have collected, to RIDE Head Office. For our address, scroll to the very bottom of this page.

How do I change my riding/walking distance or activity?

  • Log in to your Fundhub
  • Click the Profile tab on the left
  • Click the More About You tab on the left.
  • You can edit your Activity selection in this screen and hit the submit button to save.

Can I give to myself and still get a tax receipt?

You sure can! Any donations of $20 or more will generate a tax receipt, including donations you make to your own fundraising campaign.

How do I raise money?

Once you register online, you can use the online Fundhub to send your friends and family a link to your personal fundraising page. There, they can give to you securely online by credit card.

Alternately, you can download a Pledge Form, print it out and ask people face-to-face for support. For more information on raising money, visit our How to Fundraise page.

How do I change my team name?

This can only be performed by the participant who started the team (the Team Captain).

  • Log in to your Fundhub
  • Click the Team tab on the left
  • Click the Edit Team Info tab on the left
  • Be sure to click Save when you're finished!

Do my children need to raise the $75 minimum?

No - however, to get their little mitts on one of our fabulous RIDE T-shirts, kids of any age need to fundraise $75 or more, and eat at least 2 more bites of that broccoli.

Is there a deadline for submitting RIDE donations?

Yes - we must have all donations submitted to us online or by mail by October 31, 2024. Be sure cheques are made out to Ride for Refuge and include the participant's name in the memo line.

Ride for Refuge

Unit 260-659 King Street East

Kitchener, ON

N2G 2M4

Is there a RIDE t-shirt this year?

You betcha! Anyone who hits their fundraising minimum ($150 for adults, $75 for youth 17 and under) qualifies for one of our iconic RIDE t-shirts.

Why is the RIDE in the fall?

Originally, the RIDE was in the fall as part of our attempt give participants a very small taste of what it's like to be seeking refuge. It's designed to be challenging - both in distance traveled and weather endured. (Of course, things have changed a lot since RIDE started, but it's still a proud part of our history.)

Do I need to wear a helmet?

Yes! If you are biking, skateboarding, baking with particular intensity, or doing anything else where a helmet is recommended, wear it.

Can I mail in cheques early?

Yes, you can. Cheques made out to "Ride for Refuge" should include the participant/team name on the memo line. Be sure to add them online in FundHub, too! Print off your "My Results Form" and/or send Donation Forms in with any cheques.

Can I bring my dog or other pet to the RIDE?

No - for the safety of our riders and walkers, we would ask that all other dogs and pets sit this one out. Licensed service animals wearing their working vests are always welcome.

How do I earn a RIDE T-Shirt?

To earn a snazzy T-Shirt, RIDE participants must fundraise $150+ for adults, or $75+ for youth under 17.

Important note: T-Shirts are earned individually, and not as part of a team fundraising effort! We are only able to distribute shirts to individual participants who have met their minimum amounts above - donations made directly to a team or to a team captain aren't included.

Can I drop off cash at my local charity?

Only as a last resort. Your RIDE charity can only process a small amount of cash donations, and it will take you longer to get checked-in on event day if you bring physical currency.

Whenever possible, please follow the instructions here instead:

  • Add to Fundhub: Make sure you post your cash or cheque donations into Fundhub with complete addresses (and where possible, email).
  • Cash: Pay cash donations off with your credit card, or write a personal cheque for the amount of cash and mail it in to our office with completed pledge sheet.
  • Note: Full addresses with postal codes are needed to issue tax receipts for donations over $20.

What are processing fees?

When a donor gives online, we provide them with an opportunity to cover the 4.25% processing fees we pay to process each credit card donation. It's totally voluntary and helps the RIDE reduce its operating costs for the event.

  • Breaking down the processing fees:
  • 1.75% Fundhub cost
  • 2.75% + $0.10 per Credit card gateway transaction
  • Total: Approximately 4.75%
  • Tax Receipt: This extra amount is claimable and added to your overall donation total. For example, a donor gives $100 and covers the 4.25% processing fee - the tax receipt issued is for $104.25.
  • Does Blue Sea actually pay 4.5% on every verified gift regardless of size? Yes, we do.
  • Does Blue Sea charge the local charity if the costs aren't covered by the donor? No, we don't.

What donations get receipted, and when do donors get their receipts?

We issue charitable tax receipts for donations of $20 or more. We also require a full, current mailing address for the donor (as per CRA legislation). Gifts made online with a credit card get automatically receipted, while cash or cheque gifts given in at the registration table on RIDE Day will be receipted by email or regular mail within 60 days of the event.

How do I change my fundraising goal (or my team's goal)?

To edit your personal goal:

  • Log in to Fundhub and visit the Fundraising tab
  • Click the "click to change fundraising goal" button under Personal Progress
  • Type your goal into the space provided and click the button to submit.
  • Voila - instant adrenaline rush!

To edit your team's goal:

  • Log in to Fundhub and visit the Team tab
  • Click Edit Team Info on the left
  • Edit your team's fundraising goal, and then hit Save.

Is there a deadline for registering online?

You can register online at any time leading up to RIDE Day. We recommend you register early so that you can use the weeks before RIDE Day to raise lots of funds for your charity, and so that location leaders know how many to expect on RIDE Day.

I received a notification email that someone donated to me! How do I thank them?

Sending a personal thank you is a great way to connect with your donors and help them feel appreciated! To thank your donors, you can:

  • Log in to your Fundhub
  • Click on Thank Donors on the left
  • Follow the instructions on the page

Do I still have to raise $150 if there is no registration fee?

Yes! The only way we let anyone get their hands on one of our famous RIDE T-Shirts is by reaching their fundraising minimum - that's $150 for adults 18+, or $75 for youth aged 17 and under.

Is there a registration fee?

No, there is no registration fee this year! Instead, we encourage all participants to focus on fundraising for their charities.

How do I choose which charity my funds go to?

Every RIDE location is hosted by an approved RIDE charity - when you choose where you're riding, you're also choosing who you're fundraising for!

If I get sick, can I cancel my registration?

Yes - if you get sick, do what's needed to get better! But remember, you can do your activity at any time, and the money you raise for your charity is still valuable. So if you are able, reschedule instead of cancelling.

Do I have to participate on October 5?

No... but it's better if you do! We encourage all teams and participants to set aside October as the big day when their fundraising activity will either happen or conclude. If your team has scheduling conflicts, feel free to move it to any day between Labour Day weekend and Thanksgiving.

How can I fundraise for a charity that is not on your list?

Charities must apply and be approved to partner with the Ride for Refuge. If you have a favourite charity that's not on our list, here's what you can do:

  • Email jen@bluesea.org and see if that charity is in the process of becoming a RIDE partner charity, or
  • Reach out to your charity directly to tell them about the RIDE

Requirements for being a RIDE Charity include:

  • They work with people seeking refuge from danger, hardship, or abuse
  • They are in good standing with the CRA
  • They are willing to work hard in an effort to raise a minimum of $20,000 or more

Can my kids participate by themselves?

No - all children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times, whether biking or walking.

Can people on my team bike or walk different distances than me?

Yes! Each member of your team can select their own activity and distance during registration (and change it later if needed).

There are benefits to doing different activities (diversity is great), but it can also encourage team spirit if you are all working towards a similar goal. Choose what works best for your team!

Can I register before I pick an activity?

Well, it's easy to switch between biking or walking at any time, so if you haven't picked yet, just choose your best guess! If you need to switch it later, login to your Fundhub, click Registration, and change your Distance. You can do this as many times as you like!

Can I change the distance I've selected if I change my mind?

Yes! Here's how:

  • Click "Profile" from left side menu tabs
  • Click "More About You"
  • Scroll down and edit "Distance"
  • Click "Submit" at bottom to save. (Note: There may be a 15-minute delay before your new activity is reflected everywhere on the RIDE website.)

Can I do the RIDE outside of Canada?

If you are too far away from your RIDE location, you can bike or walk anywhere you like (as long as it's safe)! However, donors outside Canada will likely not be able to use the Canadian Tax Receipt we issue when they support you.

Is there a limit to how many people can join a team?

No - you can have as many or as few people on a team as you like! All the way from one to one thousand.

My team has raised some cash and cheque donations - where do I input these?

There is no way to record cash or cheque donations directly to your team in our fundraising system.

If your team, rather than a specific team member, has raised some cash and/or cheque donations, the best thing to do is enter them as pledges under your team captain. They can either:

  • a) Mail in cheques, with instructions on how to assign each donation amongst the team, OR...
  • b) Pay off cash donations with a personal credit card (and keep the cash). Then email us at info@rideforrefuge.org with instructions on how to assign each donation. However, please note that we are not able to split credit card payments between teammates.

What if I get money after the event?

  • Add to Fundhub: Make sure you post your cash or cheque donations into Fundhub with complete addresses (and where possible, email).
  • Cheques: Made payable to Ride for Refuge, with your name or team name on memo line, and mailed to the RIDE Head Office
  • Cash: Pay cash donations off with your credit card, or write a personal cheque for the amount of cash and mail it in to our office with completed pledge sheet.
  • Note: Full addresses with postal codes are needed to issue tax receipts for donations over $20.

What if I receive a cheque that's made out to me and not the RIDE?

If you receive cash or cheques made payable to YOU, please log in to your FundHub, click Enter $$ or Cheques, and enter the donor information there. You then have one of two choices:

  • Pay the donations online with your credit card and keep the cash/personal cheques. By doing so, you deem your donations "complete" and nothing else needs to be done or sent to us. OR...
  • Bank the cash and personal cheques and write Ride for Refuge a cheque from YOU, payable to Ride for Refuge, in the amount of your total funds received. Mail this cheque, along with any other cheque donations you have collected, to the RIDE Head Office.

What do I do with my Pledge Form and money?

  • Option 1. If you collect cash donations, you can enter them by logging into FundHub and using the "Enter $$ or Cheques" section. Once you've created the pledge, you can scroll down on that same page and click the tiny "pay" button to verify those donations with your own credit card. Then you can keep the cash.
  • Option 2. If you collect cheques, you can mail them to RIDE Head Office. Cheques made out to "Ride for Refuge" should include participant name on the memo line. Be sure to add them online in the FundHub, too.

Can I accept cheques?

Yes - have them made out to Ride for Refuge, with your name on the memo line. This allows us to connect you to your team and your team to your charity.

They should be sent to the RIDE Head Office after the event - be sure to include your Pledge Form if you send it by mail.

I donated to the RIDE - do you share any of my information?

No - not unless you specifically opt-in to share it with the charity you are supporting. Otherwise, Blue Sea Foundation does not share your information with anyone. Period. For more information: https://rideforrefuge.org/privacy

I am planning to attend the RIDE with my family. Do we all need to register?

Yes. Because of the way event insurance works, everyone who participates needs to register.

What if I can't register online?

No problem! If you need to find an offline method to register, just call our office (1-877-743-3413). One of our team will be happy to help.

Do I need to sign a waiver form?


  • If you register online, you accept and digitally sign the waiver - no signed paper waiver is required.
  • Youth aged 17 and under require a physical signed waiver paper, which can be downloaded here, and either:
  • Handed in to your team captain for processing, or
  • Emailed to waivers@rideforrefuge.org with "Waiver for (your name)" in the subject line and a photo of the signed waiver attached.

Oops - I accidentally donated to a team instead of a participant, or gave to the wrong participant. Can you move my donation?

Email or call us and we'll take care of it for you. We'll need to know:

  • The name of the donor
  • The amount of the donation
  • Who they had given to originally (participant or team name), and
  • Who they would like the donation moved to

My team gathered all of our pledges as a group. How do I add these to our fundraising total/hand these in on RIDE Day?

To facilitate our processing of these donations, you must pick one of the following:

  • Option 1: Divide pledges up between team members in advance of RIDE Day (especially if team members are adding these pledges online into their own accounts), so that each team member is handing in their own Donation Form and donation amount at registration
  • Option 2: Enter all money you gathered as donations under the Captain's personal account, understanding that you can still use what you raised to cover the fundraising minimums for each of your team members.

If people sponsor me, will my team get credit for it?

Yes. If you have joined a team, your fundraising and sponsor totals will be reflected in both your team total and the overall event total.

I'm trying to donate from a country outside of North America, and the system is requiring a postal code. How can I proceed?

Simply add in five zeroes (00000) as the postal code, and the donation page should allow you to continue - if you're still having trouble, please contact our offices and we'll be more than happy to help!

I need to cancel my registration as a participant in your event - how do I do that?

Short answer: Email or call us and we'll take care of it for you.

Long answer: If you have collected cash or cheque pledges, please:

  • Ensure that all donor names and addresses are carefully posted online in your FundHub. Don't send cash in the mail.
  • Pay for cash with a personal cheque from you (or pay by credit online).
  • Send all cheques to the RIDE Head Office address with the participant name in the memo line, along with your completed Donation Form or "My Results Form".

I am having trouble logging in or setting up my username and password.

Make sure the username and password you are using does not contain any spaces. For example, if you are using your full name as your username, enter it as firstnamelastname with no spaces.

Still having trouble? Contact us!

How do I get a Pledge Form?

You may download a copy of the Pledge Form from the RIDE Tools + Forms page.

Are my online transactions safe?

Yes. All online donations are processed through our secure third party Fundhub and financial gateway.

Is there a minimum fundraising amount required in order to participate?

No, we don't require a minimum amount to be fundraised in order to participate. But we definitely do encourage participants to set a strong fundraising goal that's at least $150 for adults and $75 for youth. Participants who hit those amounts are thanked with one of our beautiful RIDE T-shirts!

Is now a good time to ask people for donations?

Yes. Just make sure you ask personally - explain why you are participating and how your fundraising will help the charity you are supporting. People will give if you give them a chance - don't answer for them!

Don't see your question here?

Ask us! Visit the contact page to get in touch with our friendly customer-service team.

Got questions about the Ride for Refuge?
info@rideforrefuge.org | 1.877.743.3413